Consultation Services

Charter School or Private Preschool Occupational Therapy Evaluation 

Seeing children in their natural environments can be so helpful in discovering the targeted concerns and then determining targeted interventions. 

Evaluation to assess needs related to Sensory Processing and/or Fine Motor Development.

Occupational Therapy Evaluation of a student aging in range from 3-6 years by a licensed Occupational Therapist with years of pediatric experience.  The Occupational Therapists are licensed in Wisconsin and Minnesota and specific knowledge on motor development and sensory processing.  This evaluation will include:  1) Onsite evaluation and observation of student 2) Parent and Teacher Interview as appropriate  3) Written Summary 4) Consultation Meeting with educational team and parents.  5) One follow up via email or phone upon request. 

 To purchase our consulting services, click here.
Contact Lisa with questions: 1-715-205-2703 or