Rainbow Tree Therapies, LLC

Safe & Sound Intensive

Sale price Price $699.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

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The listening protocol will be customized to your child's level of tolerance.  The intensive protocol is one hour per day for 5 days.  However, it is now generally accepted that the protocol be customized to the needs of the client and may include listening that is only a few minutes per session. 

Application & Approval Required:  APPLICATION HERE.  You must be approved to have access to this program remotely.  This is considered an intensive intervention where supportive fit and close monitoring is required.  

If your child is receiving private therapy currently at Rainbow Tree and is a good fit for this protocol, your child will get access to this during sessions.  Under these circumstances remote delivery during our seasonal packages would not be available or needed.  

The remote access is available to the following:
  • Clients who have been evaluated by Rainbow Tree Therapies in the last 6 months but are not receiving direct in person therapy support at Rainbow Tree Therapies.

  • Clients who are in between individualized private therapy packages but would benefit from another round of Safe and Sound.  It is not uncommon to benefit from additional rounds of this intervention. 

  • Individuals who have a recent OT EVALUATION (within the last 3 months) from another Occupational Therapist that would indicate a need for this type of intervention.  This determination would be made by the staff at Rainbow Tree Therapies.  Additional intake and consent forms will be required for this option.

  • If your child is receiving Occupational Therapy at a different location in addition to the Safe and Sound protocol at Rainbow Tree Therapies, we do ask that there we have access to their therapist for collaboration purposes.  This would require consent to contact your child's therapist. 

What can SSP help with?
  • Decrease stress and anxiety
  • Decrease noise sensitivity
  • Increase social engagement
  • Improve sleep
  • Increase access to learning

What does the listening look like at home?

  • Listening in a quiet space and it is recommended that listening be done with a trusted adult present who can over co-regulation support and monitoring for regulation during the listening.
  • A child may be in a restful position or maybe engaged in an activity that does NOTrequire a lot of thinking or focus or decision making.  

What does the fee include? 

  • The fee above includes 3 check-ins and access to the listening for 3 months.  So the entire protocol must be completed within three months time.  The listening is monitored by Rainbow Tree Therapies staff remotely.  The check ins are done with the caregiver over zoom or phone.  
  • The fee does not include any tele-therapy sessions with your child directly. This would be a separate fee.  
  • Safe and Sound is an annual subscription based program for Rainbow Tree Therapies.  
  • Your fee contributes to this annual subscription, the headphone rental (headphones need to be returned at the end of the month), brief introduction to Safe and Sound via a mini-course and check ins by Lisa Haverly during the month of your listening experience.  These check-ins can be via zoom or phone whichever works best for you. 
  • You will have unlimited access to email with Lisa Haverly. 

Contact Lisa Haverly with questions. rainbowtreeinfo@gmail.com